This Module provide all the information related to students like new student entry , student age wise strength , class wise strength etc.
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This Module provide all the information related to staff members like It keeps detailed information about Staff like Qualification , maintains the attendance details of staffs in session-wise etc.
Fees Management system is easy to use and maintain session-wise - class-wise Fees and This is also helpful in keeping record of fees of students.
The main role of transportation system in every College is to pick and drop the students from and to their respective routes on time. For different routes, college has to charge different amount from students based on distance covered.
Attendance register is easy to use and maintain session-wise - class-wise attendance and designed to manage the daily class attendance requirements for colleges of all sizes with taking care of leave and holidays. You can quickly enter attendance using register like Table Matrix.
Want to be in contact with your student or their parent or your staff, inside you will have a strong messenger that will send messages to one or more registered student or staff. Message can be viewed either on College software or on College mobile app.
Library Management covers each and every process of Library.
Complete stock details like stock Purchase, add item ,Issue Material etc. are taken in Stock Management.
Each college can easily set the time of periods , and periods can also be assigned to teachers through this.
This module is used to generate certificates like school leaving certificate , Character Certificate.
This module is used for generation of Id Cards.
This module is easy to use and maintain all account related information.
This module is used for authentication and assign the roles to user.
This Report Give all information related to a student like Mother's Name, Addmission No.,Fee Pending etc.
All fees related processes like receipt generation, cancellation of receipts, duplicate receipts, extra fees, fee concessions and more are managed in this module.